Esquema Retinopatía Diabética
Retinopathy in Fuengirola, Malaga


Diabetes can cause changes in the retina, diabetic retinopathy. It can significantly reduce your vision. Diabetic patients should have the fundus of the eyes regularly examined. At Sol Eyes you will receive fundus photographs and a specialist’s stament of the photographs if you wish. If retinopathy is diagnosed and treated at an early stage, the prognosis is good. At Sol Eyes we have the equipment needed to treat retinopathy.


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    Telephone: +34 952 470 073 - Whatsapp: +34 691 934 660


    Av. Alcalde Clemente Díaz Ruiz, 3 Fuengirola

    952 47 00 73
    691 93 46 60

    Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatment



    At an early stage retinopathy causes no symptoms, but as the disease progresses it can cause blurred vision, impaired color vision, sudden loss of vision due to vitreous detachment, fluctuating vision or moving dark areas in your vision. An early diagnosis important.


    Risk Factors

    In diabetes type 1 the changes in the eyes are very common. In type 2 the risk is smaller but when the changes occur, they will cause swelling in the fundus, leading to reduced vision. The risk is increased by the duration of the disease and unbalanced diet.



    The balanced treatment of diabetes is important, as well as the treatment of heart and circulatory diseases. The changes in the fundus can be treated with laser, the most severe cases with vitreous and retinal surgery.


    If you are a diabetic and think that you may be suffering from retinopathy, or if you wish to have a comprehensive eye examination, make an appointment at Sol Eyes.

    Contact us today to make an appointment

      Name (required)

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      Telephone: +34 952 470 073 - Whatsapp: +34 691 934 660